Swimming has great benefits for all children but for children with autism it can be very calming and therapeutic.
Many of the children I have worked with have a fear of swimming initially but most grew to love it. For some children I spent the first few sessions just dangling our feet in the water then slowly getting into the water, going from arms (at a close choking range) around my neck to gradually holding hands then floating independently with arm bands. I felt it was important to show that it can take time and patience is key.
I wanted to continue with similar themes throughout the book series so I introduced sharing in this book and will continue it in future stories. Also I have again emphasised the importance of giving a time warning before the end/start of a task or activity.
I really want parents to understand the importance of preparation in all their everyday activities. The easier life is made for a child with ASD the easier life becomes for the parents.
Have you found that your child likes or dislikes being in the water? I'd love to hear your questions or comments about swimming, it's benefits or effects.